Introducing Our Majestic Hounds

A Legacy of Excellence and Adventure

Step into the world of Briar Creek Hounds, where passion for fox hunting is bred into every fiber of our being. Our pack of hounds is not just your average group - they embody a legacy of greatness and an unyielding spirit that sets them apart from the rest. Brought to us as a symbol of support and camaraderie, these magnificent creatures were generously gifted to us by the esteemed Belle Mead Hunt, a revered institution based in Georgia since 1966.

With a lineage deeply rooted in the tradition of fox hunting, our hounds epitomize the strength, agility, and unwavering determination required for this exhilarating pursuit. Each hound is meticulously selected for its exceptional qualities, ensuring only the finest specimens join our pack. Their extraordinary abilities and innate sense of adventure are the foundation upon which our community thrives.

At Briar Creek Hounds, we understand that our hounds are more than just hunting companions; they are cherished members of our family. We provide them with the utmost care, ensuring they receive top-notch veterinary attention, proper nutrition, and a nurturing environment that allows them to flourish. Their physical and emotional well-being is of paramount importance to us, as we believe it is our responsibility to honor their noble instincts and provide them with a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

But our hounds are not simply remarkable for their hunting prowess. They are also ambassadors of our shared passion, bridging the gap between generations and fostering a sense of community. Whether it's the thrill of the chase or the bond forged between hounds and humans, our pack embodies the essence of unity, respect, and true sportsmanship.

As you explore our website, you will undoubtedly become captivated by the remarkable stories and captivating images of our hounds in action. Witness their unwavering determination as they lead us through new territories, their ears alert and tails held high. Allow their elegance and grace to inspire you, as they effortlessly navigate the rugged landscape, displaying the true harmony between nature and man.

Join us at Briar Creek Hounds and become a part of our extraordinary journey. Whether you're an experienced hunter or a curious novice, our pack welcomes all who share our love for the chase. Discover the thrill of the hunt, forge lifelong friendships, and experience the beauty of nature through the eyes of our hounds.

Together, let's continue to celebrate the legacy of excellence established by the Belle Mead Hunt and embark on new adventures that will leave an indelible mark on our hearts and souls.