I Love Fox Hunting!

By Carol Nichols, founding member, Briar Creek Hounds

I love fox hunting! That’s why I am a founding member of Briar Creek Hounds. The horses and hounds do too - and I think the coyotes enjoy eluding the hounds. It’s not a very efficient hunting sport - but it is tons of fun to chase!  The goal of most modern hunts is not to kill the quarry - but to “chase and release.” I’ve never seen a kill or capture in my 17 years of off and on hunting…. 20 horses and up to 20 hounds tromping through the woods - with no camouflage…a wary fox or coyote is long gone when we arrive on the scent. 

In the “field” - we are supposed to be quiet - but some of us at the back, have pleasant conversations. Marcella and I used to get called out frequently- but now that she is the Master - she has no time for conversation - as she is focused on the hounds and the territory!  

I love the adventure of hunting - one never knows exactly where the scent might lead the hounds - or even if there will be a scent or a sighting that day. Unlike a trail ride or endurance ride with a marked trail, or a reining pattern or a jump course… if a scent is uncovered, where will it lead? Into the woods?… down a ravine?…across an open field? Or heaven forbid - towards a rail road track or highway?!? That would be a job for the “whippers in” to be on alert and turn the hounds back - before adventure becomes a problem. 

I love the history of fox hunting - all Cavalry officers fox hunted in America and in Europe - to keep their riding skills and their horses’ strengths and skills ready for battle. George Washington was passionate about his pack of foxhounds. 

I love the fellowship after the hunt - a tailgate or picnic - called a “hunt breakfast” - to reflect on the opportunity to enjoy our freedoms - freedom to ride cross country - on both public and private lands, freedom to hunt, freedom to associate with friends, freedom to own property - land, trucks, horses, hounds…Not all in the world can say that. God bless America and God bless fox hunters! 


Traditional Horses in Fox Hunting: A Perfect Blend of Speed, Stamina, and Sensibility


Embracing the Diversity of Riding Disciplines